Dr. Shubhash

Healthsguru - Ayurveda Dr. Shubhash is a passionate Ayurvedic practitioner dedicated to the ancient healing art of Ayurveda. With years of expertise, he specializes in the therapeutic applications of Ayurvedic medicines, bringing holistic health solutions to his patients. His love for writing allows him to share in-depth knowledge on the benefits and uses of herbal remedies, making complex concepts accessible to all. Dr. Shubhash believes in the power of nature to heal and nourish the body, mind, and spirit. Through his writings, he aims to inspire others to embrace Ayurveda as a way of life, fostering wellness and balance in a modern world.

Exclusive articles:

Arq-e-Ajwayin: Incredible Uses, 10 Benefits Digestive Discomfort

Introduction: In the realm of traditional Unani medicine, where herbs hold a revered place in healing, Arq-e-Ajwayin stands as a potent and time-tested remedy. This...

Arq-e-Ajeeb: Unveiling Secrets of a Traditional Herbal Elixir, Uses,10 Benefits, Effects, wild mint, fennel, eucalyptus

Introduction: In the rich tapestry of traditional medicine, where ancient wisdom intertwines with nature's bounty, lies the intriguing remedy known as Arq-e-Ajeeb. This isn't just...

Mindful and Intuitive Eating: Incredible Effects, 10 Benefits, Mindful and Intuitive Eating for a Healthier Relationship with Food

In a world saturated with diet fads, restrictive eating plans, and constant messaging about what we should and shouldn't eat, it's easy to lose touch with our body's...

Chandraprabha Vati: Incredible Effects Preparation, 10 Benefits, and Therapeutic Uses

Chandraprabha Vati is a revered polyherbal Ayurvedic formulation known for its potent therapeutic properties. It is a traditional medicine widely used for a multitude...

Brahmi (ब्राह्मी Bacopa monnieri): 15 Traditional Uses, Medicinal Properties, and Modern Applications

Brahmi (ब्राह्मी Bacopa monnieri): Overview Brahmi (ब्राह्मी Bacopa monnieri) is an Ayurvedic gem, celebrated for its cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection. This herb has been traditionally...

